From ‘It Works on My Machine’ to ‘It Works Everywhere’: from WampServer to Docker & DDEV
Introduction: Remember the good old days when ‘It works on my machine’ was a perfectly acceptable excuse? Yeah, those days are long gone. In today’s world, where the diversity of production environments can make or break…
My Latest Digital Adventure: Uniting Contentful with Next.js on Vercel
A recent client casually tossed me a question: “Ever heard of for building and managing websites?” Admittedly, I was a novice in this territory. So, like any curious developer, I went on an investigative journey….
A React Component and WordPress Plugin in Action
Greetings to all tech aficionados and developers alike! There are moments in our coding journey when we seek solutions that can seamlessly integrate into our projects, offering both functionality and efficiency. My quest for such a…
WordPress Plugin Grabbing and Importing
I have previously used Enviato API and became curious about your request so created a quick plugin to retrieve data back and display. Below you can see 2 examples, they are quite simple. An “id” of…
How to Built a Cool Job Search Platform Using Laravel, Next.js, and APIs
Introduction Hey There, Welcome to the Project! Looking for a job these days can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. So, I decided to make things a bit easier and build a fun…
Building a WordPress Gutenberg Block Plugin: A Revised Guide
In a previous guide, we explored how to build a WordPress Gutenberg block plugin from scratch. It was a fantastic journey that allowed us to create a block plugin with basic functionality. However, as with any…
Step-by-Step Guide to Building a WordPress Gutenberg Block Plugin from Scratch
Introduction Welcome to this comprehensive guide on creating your very own WordPress Gutenberg block plugin. If you’ve been involved with WordPress in recent years, you’ve undoubtedly heard of Gutenberg. Introduced in WordPress 5.0, Gutenberg revolutionized the…
Display 7 for the plugin
Display 7 for the plugin
Display 6 for the plugin
Display 6 for the plugin